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Progressive lenses are specially manufactured lenses with different refractive powers for the correction of distance and near refractive errors. Due to stepless transitions, there is no image jump, as with bifocal or trifocal lenses. Also the intermediate range for e.g. screen distances can be used. We offer a wide range of progressive lens variations, from simple entry-level lenses to highly personalized progressive lenses, from transparent to polarizing to photochromic.

Protek is a good entry-level lens with freeform technology for the small budget, available in two different progression lengths.

The HyperView Simple is a good free-form progressive lens with a hard design that offers wider distance and near ranges compared to the Protek, available in three progression lengths.

The HyperView Lifestyle is an already customizable progressive lens in two versions, one with a hard design for a lot of distance and near, or balanced with a larger intermediate range, available in three progression lengths.

The HyperView Identity Light is a customizable progressive lens whose design is calculated and manufactured by vision preferences and frame data. Continuous choice of progression lengths.

The HyperView Identity 2 is an individual progressive lens manufactured with the latest Camber technology. It allows through different base curves in the lens to design the visual areas up to the periphery distortion-free and at the same time flatter and more aesthetic. Through the personal lifestyle of the spectacle wearer, the visual ranges are optimally manufactured.

Sometimes it is advantageous to wear mineral lenses, especially if you need scratch-resistant lenses due to your job. We have a progressive lens with hard design and four proogression lengths.